首页 > 游戏竞技 > 蓝色特快上的秘密-蓝色列车之谜-蓝色列车(英文版) > 第12部分

第12部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 在古代逆流而上的日子精灵之我是农场主穿书后我成了小拖油瓶顾总太太把你拉黑了乔若星顾景琰从学霸开始迈向星辰大海大唐贵婿模板奥尼尔,美女都是我的充电宝王者:是个英雄就超标,别太离谱世界杯:我把C罗喂吐了末日:我真不是土匪无止的界限开局暴力林丹体验卡,我无敌了源启:终尽足坛怪咖网游之神偷盗贼斗罗:当千仞雪不恋爱脑后全民:领主大人别冲动网游:开局觉醒本源天赋活下去寻找生命的意义全息游戏:在游戏里当小地主

〃It is horrible。〃

〃Yes; yes …〃 he was soothing and apologetic … 〃but you have great courage; Mademoiselle。 At once; as soon as I saw you; I said to myself; 'Mademoiselle has great courage。' That is why I am going to ask you to do something more … something distressing; but I assure you very necessary。〃

Katherine looked at him apprehensively。

He spread out his hands apologetically。

〃I am going to ask you; Mademoiselle; to be so good as to acpany me to the next partment。〃

〃Must I?〃 asked Katherine in a low voice。

〃Someone must identify her;〃 said the missary; 〃and since the maid has disappeared …〃 he coughed significantly … 〃you appear to be the person who has seen most of her since she joined the train。〃

〃Very well;〃 said Katherine quietly; 〃if it is necessary …〃

She rose。 Poirot gave her a little nod of approval。

〃Mademoiselle is sensible;〃 he said。 〃May I acpany you; M。 Caux?〃

〃Enchanted; my dear M。 Poirot。〃

They went out into the corridor; and M。 Caux unlocked the door of the dead woman's partment。 The blinds on the far side had been drawn half…way up to admit light。 The dead woman lay on the berth to their left; in so natural a posture that one could have thought her asleep。 The bedclothes were drawn up over her; and her head was turned to the wall; so that only the red auburn curls showed。 Very gently M。 Caux laid a hand on her shoulder and turned the body back so that the face came into view。 Katherine flinched a little and dug her nails into her palms。 A heavy blow had disfigured the features almost beyond recognition。 Poirot gave a sharp exclamation。

〃When was that done; I wonder?〃 he demanded。 〃Before death or after?〃

〃The doctor says after;〃 said M。 Caux。

