首页 > 游戏竞技 > the world i live in-海伦·凯勒自传(英文版) > 第13部分

第13部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 末世:我一个亡灵法师加什么智力进入游戏世界终于轮到我玩养成!四合院:谁喊傻柱弄死谁四合院:开局被迫和秦淮茹换房直播算卦,你非尊我为天师!一世容安重生:游戏才刚出,你怎么就乱杀世界RPG之大穿越异世玩魔兽网友全球冰封,我囤积了千亿物资那就让她们献上忠诚吧!我重生在游戏发布前一天冲榜拿首杀,战力等级都第一末日:零元购,我搬空整个鹰酱国穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派末世:别人囤物资我囤女神末世:开局白嫖十亿军火全球灾变:我召唤无限军团横推万物开局梦到未来一万年全民庇护所,你在末世当大爹?

sandals; and by his side……I could scarcely believe my eyes!……walked a

modest nun counting her beads。 At a little distance were seen three

dancers arm…in…arm; a lean; starved platitude; a rosy; dimpled joke; and

a steel…ribbed sermon on predestination。 Close upon them came a whole

string of Nights with wind…blown hair and Days with faggots on their

backs。 All at once I saw the ample figure of Life rise above the

whirling mass holding a naked child in one hand and in the other a

gleaming sword。 A bear crouched at her feet; and all about her swirled

and glowed a multitudinous host of tiny atoms which sang all together;

〃We are the will of God。〃 Atom wedded atom; and chemical married

chemical; and the cosmic dance went on in changing; changeless measure;

until my head sang like a buzz…saw。

Just as I was thinking I would leave this scene of phantoms and take a

stroll in the quiet groves of Slumber I noticed a motion near one of

the entrances to my enchanted palace。 It was evident from the whispering

and buzzing that went round that more celebrities had arrived。 The first

personage I saw was Homer; blind no more; leading by a golden chain the

white…beaked ships of the Achaians bobbing their heads and squawking

like so many white swans。 Plato and Mother Goose with the numerous

children of the shoe came next。 Simple Simon; Jill; and Jack who had had

his head mended; and the cat that fell into the cream……all these danced

in a giddy reel; while Plato solemnly discoursed on the laws of

Topsyturvy Land。 Then followed grim…visaged Calvin and 〃violet…crowned;

sweet…smiling Sappho〃 who danced a Schottische。 Aristophanes an
