首页 > 游戏竞技 > 富爸爸,穷爸爸(英文版) > 第1部分

第1部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 重生天灾:我囤货虐渣称霸末世幻光四战争骑士,我能融合万物我踢的养生足球六零糙汉被末世女王轻松拿捏重生后,医妃每天都在虐渣我,神级辅助,带领Uzi夺冠海岛求生:我的幸运值爆表了1980年我回到了15岁举国对抗异界入侵:开局上交一颗星球末世:开局疯狂囤物资,美女急哭了四合院:做一个有素养的流氓我,天庭之主,加入聊天群篮坛传奇巨星:巅峰之路天空破碎全球进化,我觉醒了一座世界全球末世:开局觉醒吞魂天赋四合院:淮茹嫂子别回头,我真是我哥打造领地太累?我有多重影分身!网游之无双

… 手机访问 m。


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There is a Need

Does school prepare children for the real world? 〃Study hard and get good grades and you will find a high…paying job with great benefits;〃 my parents used to say。 Their goal in life was to provide a college education for my older sister and me; so that we would have the greatest chance for success in life。 When T finally earned my diploma in 1976…graduating with honors; and near the top of my class; in accounting from Florida State University…my parents had realized their goal。 It was the crowning achievement of their lives。 In accordance with the 〃Master Plan;〃 I was hired by a 〃Big 8〃 accounting firm; and I looked forward to a long career and retirement at an early age。

My husband; Michael; followed a similar path。 We both came from hard…working families; of modest means but with strong work ethics。 Michael also graduated with honors; but he did it twice: first as an engineer and then from law school。 He was quickly recruited by a prestigious Washington; D。C。; law firm that specialized in patent law; and his future seemed bright; career path well…defined and early retirement guaranteed。

Although we have been successful in our careers; they have not turned out quite as we expected。 We both have changed positions several times…for all the right reasons…but there are no pension plans vesting on our behalf。 Our retirement funds are growing only through our individual contributions。

Michael and I have a wonderful marriage with three great children。 As I write this; two are in college and one is just beginning high school。 We have spent a fortune making sure our
