首页 > 游戏竞技 > 狼图腾(英文版) > 第9部分

第9部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 打造领地太累?我有多重影分身!网游之无双全民求生:从鬼屋开始建立黑暗帝变身女天师,生死看淡,不服就干篮坛暴君经理末世:我靠神级掠夺,打造女神军团开局魔王配置,你却让我当救世主末世女神穿到求生游戏变锦鲤网游:我的背包能进化联盟之表白女神就变强迷雾求生:我有解析之眼大邶枭雄盗墓,家人们我穿越了末世:目标三千女神军获得厉鬼能力后我摆烂了开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生

like those outsiders all the time。”

Seeing that the women had unloaded the carts and dug paths to the deep snow by clearing out troughs the wolves had made when dragging the gazelle carcasses through the snow; and that they’d also built up a snowbank; Bilgee looked skyward and chanted something。 Chen Zhen guessed that he was asking Tengger for permission to go out in the snow and bring up the dead gazelles。

The old man closed his eyes briefly; then opened them again and said; “There are plenty of frozen gazelles at the bottom of the snow; so don’t get greedy。 When you’re out there; first free the surviving animals; all of them; before ing back to dig out the frozen ones。 Tengger didn’t want those animals to die; so we must save them。” He lowered his head and said to Chen Zhen and Yang Ke; “When Genghis Khan finished an encirclement hunt; he let a small number of animals go。

The Mongols have fought like that for centuries; and the reason we can have these hunts year after year is that; like the wolves; we don’t kill off all the prey。”

Bilgee assigned gazelle collection sectors to each family; then let them go off and work on their own。 Everyone followed hunting custom by leaving the nearest and most plentiful holes for the students and for Bilgee; who led Chen and Yang over to his cart; where they unloaded two large rolls of felt; each about two yards wide and four yards long。 They appeared to have been sprayed with water beforehand; for they were frozen stiff。 Chen and Yang each dragged one along the cleared path; while Bilgee carried a long birch club; tipped with a metal hook。 Batu and Gasmai also carried large rolls of felt to the deep snow; little Bayar walked behind his parents with a hook over his shoulder。

After they reached
