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第4部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生网游:我获得了即时杀戮的能力崩坏:游历四方你当我傻?末世你带娃找我复合网游之从梁山开始征战世界仙佛浩劫竹筏求生,升级就变强网游:开局选择独角兽网游之血影舞者顶级奸商:无敌从贩卖军火开始满朝名臣,你让我怎么做昏君?你一个法师,物攻爆炸什么鬼史上最强青训选手一体双魂,我带萌妹成神网游:开服三天后无敌!作为恶魔的我实在是太善良了

nsible mother can distinguish between that which is useful for her child and that which is detrimental。 But she doesn’t stop loving the child when it misbehaves。 This may be the most important aspect to look at in ourselves。 Everyone; at one time or another; misbehaves in thought or speech or action——most frequently in thought; fairly frequently in speech and not so often in action。 So what do we do with that? What does a mother do? She tells the child not to do it again; loves the child as much as she’s always loved it and just gets on with the job of bringing up her child。 Maybe we can start to bring up ourselves。

The whole of this training is a matter of maturing。 Maturity is wisdom; which is unfortunately not connected to age。 If it were; it would be very easy。 One would have a guarantee。 Since it is hard work; a job to be done。 First es recognition; then learning not to condemn; but to understand; “This is the way it is。” The third step is change。 Recognition4 may be the hardest part for most people; it’s not easy to see what goes on inside of oneself。 This is the most important and the most interesting aspect of contemplation。

We lead a contemplative life; but that does not mean we sit in meditation all day long。 A contemplative life means that one considers every aspect of what happens as part of a learning experience。 One remains introspective under all circumstances。 When one bees outgoing; one goes to the world with one’s thoughts; speech and action。 One needs to recollect oneself and return within。 In our way it’s a bination of meditation and lifestyle。 The contemplative life goes on inside of oneself。 One can do the same thing with or without recollection。 Contemplation is the most important aspect of introspection。 It isn’t necessary to si
