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第11部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生网游:我获得了即时杀戮的能力崩坏:游历四方你当我傻?末世你带娃找我复合网游之从梁山开始征战世界仙佛浩劫竹筏求生,升级就变强网游:开局选择独角兽网游之血影舞者顶级奸商:无敌从贩卖军火开始满朝名臣,你让我怎么做昏君?你一个法师,物攻爆炸什么鬼史上最强青训选手一体双魂,我带萌妹成神网游:开服三天后无敌!作为恶魔的我实在是太善良了

elf to others。 It’s not a question of being better than someone else; respect and integrity demand that you be better than you thought you could be。

Winston Churchill exemplified integrity and respect in the face of opposition。 During his last year in office; he attended an official ceremony。 Several rows behind his two gentlemen began whispering。 “That’s Winston Churchill。” “They say he is getting senile。” “They say he should step aside and leave the running of the nation to more dynamic and capable men。” When the ceremony was over; Churchill turned to the men and said; “Gentlemen; they also say he is deaf !”

Churchill knew that one secret to a self you can respect is to choose a course of action based on what is right; not expedient; and not waver from it when criticized。

mit yourself to others Believe in others; and take time to nurture their dreams。 A wise man said; “If you want one year’s prosperity; grow grain。 But if you want ten years’ prosperity; grow men and women。”

You can build into the lives of your family; friends and colleagues by providing nutrients of gratitude and encouragement; and by investing your time and energy in their aspirations。 If a tree is given minimal nourishment; it will live; but it will not grow。 But if nourishment is given over and beyond what is needed for life; the tree will live and grow upward; producing fruit。

Turn disappointments into strengths Individuals who live with abandon have discovered that personal trials make them more sensitive and loving; while building endurance and character。 They have learned that achievements worth remembering are stained with the blood of diligence and etched with the scars of disappointment。

The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of 
