首页 > 游戏竞技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第4部分

第4部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 我,天庭之主,加入聊天群篮坛传奇巨星:巅峰之路天空破碎全球进化,我觉醒了一座世界全球末世:开局觉醒吞魂天赋四合院:淮茹嫂子别回头,我真是我哥打造领地太累?我有多重影分身!网游之无双全民求生:从鬼屋开始建立黑暗帝变身女天师,生死看淡,不服就干篮坛暴君经理末世:我靠神级掠夺,打造女神军团开局魔王配置,你却让我当救世主末世女神穿到求生游戏变锦鲤网游:我的背包能进化联盟之表白女神就变强迷雾求生:我有解析之眼大邶枭雄盗墓,家人们我穿越了末世:目标三千女神军

left at home with Effie。 His mother's death was another blow out

of the dark。 He could not understand it; he knew it was no good

his trying。 One had to submit to these unforeseen blows that

e unawares and leave a bruise that remains and hurts whenever

it is touched。 He began to be afraid of all that which was up

against him。 He had loved his mother。

After this; Effie and he quarrelled fiercely。 They meant a

very great deal to each other; but they were both under a

strange; unnatural tension。 He stayed out of the house as much

as possible。 He got a special corner for himself at the 〃Red

Lion〃 at Cossethay; and became a usual figure by the fire; a

fresh; fair young fellow with heavy limbs and head held back;

mostly silent; though alert and attentive; very hearty in his

greeting of everybody he knew; shy of strangers。 He teased all

the women; who liked him extremely; and he was very attentive to

the talk of the men; very respectful。

To drink made him quickly flush very red in the face; and

brought out the look of self…consciousness and unsureness;

almost bewilderment; in his blue eyes。 When he came home in this

state of tipsy confusion his sister hated him and abused him;

and he went off his head; like a mad bull with rage。

He had still another turn with a light…o'…love。 One

Whitsuntide he went a jaunt with two other young fellows; on

horseback; to Matlock and thence to Bakewell。 Matlock was at

that time just being a famous beauty…spot; visited from

Manchester and from the Staffordshire towns。 In the hotel where

the young men took lunch; were two girls; and the parties struck

up a fr
