首页 > 游戏竞技 > 高山上的呼喊-go tell it on the mountain > 第1部分

第1部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 绑定系统后我在海上乘风破浪法师小姐幸运SSS系统之贪玩红月不要停下来的异世界生活火影之痕NBA之我手感正热我慕容复只想复国英雄联盟之少年王者足坛偶像网游之无悔人生NBA之残暴网游之说服天下NBA之篮球之王重临巅峰之冠军之路黑袍剑仙网游之圣隐魔皇洪荒之剑帝网游之奇迹进球至上足球之巨星培养系统

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《 Go Tell It On The Mountain 》作者:James Baldwin 【完结】


‘The balloon of experience is tied to the earth;’ wrote Henry James in The American; ‘andunder that necessity we swing; thanks to a rope of remarkable length; in the more or lessmodious car of imagination。’ In 1949 James Baldwin was living in Paris – a measure of ropehaving been unfurled – yet his ties to Harlem grew stronger by the day。 There was little of Hemingway or Gertrude Stein in Baldwin’s sojourn; though he enjoyed a little more freedomthere; and adventure too; he wasn’t there for friendship or freedom or adventure either; but forwriting。 Baldwin came to Europe in search of his own voice。 He came for a clear view of the past。

And this exile suited him; sentences at once beginning to bleed out of memory ands imagination;old wounds opening into new language。

Baldwin’s father was a lay preacher; to his eldest son he was ‘handsome; proud; andingrown’。 The son was born into a religious munity; a world where duty joined with pride;where sin battled with high hopes of redemption; where the Saved sang over the Damned; wherelove and hate could smell similar; and where fathers and sons could be strangers for ever。 ‘I haddeclined to believe;’ Baldwin wrote in his famous Notes of a Native Son; ‘in that apocalypse whichhad been central to my father’s vision。’

… I had not known my father well。 We had got on badly; partly because we shared;in different fashions; the vice of stubborn pride。 When he was dead I realized I had hardlyever spoken to him … He was of the first generation of free men。 He; along with thousandsof 
