首页 > 游戏竞技 > 高山上的呼喊-go tell it on the mountain > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 末世:囤女神,系统百倍返现全球灾变:开局建设神级战车初之心盛霆烨长夜尽头周铮穿越成太子的小说傅啾啾穿越小说领先人类一千年原神之旅行者在漫威让你练短跑,你破了世界纪录?在古代逆流而上的日子精灵之我是农场主穿书后我成了小拖油瓶顾总太太把你拉黑了乔若星顾景琰从学霸开始迈向星辰大海大唐贵婿模板奥尼尔,美女都是我的充电宝王者:是个英雄就超标,别太离谱世界杯:我把C罗喂吐了末日:我真不是土匪无止的界限

o drink deep of the wines of Hell。

He stared at his face as though it were; as indeed it soon appeared to be; the face of a stranger; astranger who held secrets that John could never know。 And; having thought of it as the face of astranger; he tried to look at it as a stranger might; and tried to discover what other people saw。 Buthe saw only details: two great eyes; and a broad; low forehead; and the triangle of his nose; and hisenormous mouth; and the barely perceptible cleft in his chin; which was; his father said; the markof the devil’s little finger。 These details did not help him; for the principle of their unity wasundiscoverable; and he could not tell what he most passionately desired to know: whether his facewas ugly or not。

And he dropped his eyes to the mantelpiece; lifting one by one the objects that adorned it。

The mantelpiece held; in brave confusion; photographs; greeting cards; flowered mottoes; twosilver candlesticks that held no candles; and a green metal serpent; poised to strike。 To…day in hisapathy John stared at them; not seeing; he began to dust them with exaggerated care of theprofoundly preoccupied。 One of the mottoes was pink and blue; and proclaimed in raised letters;which made the work of dusting harder:

e in the evening; or e in the morning;e when you’re looked for; or e without warning;A thousand weles you’ll find here before youAnd the oftener you e here; the more we’ll adore you。

And the other; in letters of fire against a background of gold; stated:

For God so loved the world; that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoevershould believe in Him should not perish; but have everlasting life。

John iii; 16These somewhat unrelated sentiments decorated either side of the mantelpiece; obsc
