首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindled(英文版) > 第17部分

第17部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 末世:我负责囤女神,系统发低保吞噬星空2起源大陆我吃西红柿网游之长生不死海洋求生,开局忽悠女明星做女友求生:魔法灾变世界王者:御姐边路,全网顶不住了!地球数据化后,我在游戏里生活开局一颗定海珠,给我砸!全民领主:开局一座移动城NBA之格斗天赋加满超巨都慌了游戏神豪,我氪金多亿点怎么了?网游:蓝星online开局SSS级天赋,装备全是史诗海岛求生:真千金她为何总是霸榜进入FPS游戏并且火力无限游戏:靠吸收物品来升级的商人全民求生:我的蛇姐超级强规则怪谈:我天生反骨苟到最后开局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己?网游:我的血量有亿点点多

Pressing her cheek against Ross's drumming heart; she began to cry。 In a

frightened voice; he asked; 〃What; princess?〃

〃Just hold me。 Hold me tight。〃

He gathered her to him as though she were the most precious thing in the

world; and held her while she cried。 She couldn't explain why she did

it; and he didn't ask。 He simply held her; stroked her back; whispered

sweet nothings of fort and support against the top of her head。

Gradually her eyes dried and her pulse grew steadier。 〃I'm sorry。 I

don't know what came over me。〃

〃How do you feel now?〃

〃Better。〃 She took a last jagged breath and rubbed her cheek against his

chest。 〃Satisfied。〃 She thought about that and finally tipped up her

head。 〃I actually feel great。 That was the most beautifull…〃 Her words

died when her throat constricted again。

Ross turned them so that they lay on their sides; facing one another。 He

traced the slim lines of her cheek and jaw; then ran the tips of his

fingers down her neck to her collarbone。

Chloe felt a stirring inside。 She must have looked startled; because he


〃Didn't think you could feel it again so soon?〃 When he slid a leg

between hers; she moved against it; but he didn't tease her。 He was

suddenly serious。 〃It was beautiful; princess。 Even more so than before。

I've lived all these years wondering whether I had imagined it。 I tried

for it over and over。 And here; in one shot; you've done it again; and


〃Not me。 Us。〃 She touched him lower。

He gasped。 〃You're gonna do it again;〃 he said and kissed her。

This time was slower; more leisurely。 Ross was the connoisseur; showing


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