首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindled(英文版) > 第10部分

第10部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 海洋求生,开局忽悠女明星做女友求生:魔法灾变世界王者:御姐边路,全网顶不住了!地球数据化后,我在游戏里生活开局一颗定海珠,给我砸!全民领主:开局一座移动城NBA之格斗天赋加满超巨都慌了游戏神豪,我氪金多亿点怎么了?网游:蓝星online开局SSS级天赋,装备全是史诗海岛求生:真千金她为何总是霸榜进入FPS游戏并且火力无限游戏:靠吸收物品来升级的商人全民求生:我的蛇姐超级强规则怪谈:我天生反骨苟到最后开局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己?网游:我的血量有亿点点多足球:开局马竞,成为门神爆币币币币币币币币币币币币币币施法永久加法强,我圣光百亿增幅

She was distracted as the evening waned; unaware of looks of concern

sent her way。 When Lee said; 〃I'm takin' off now; Chloe;〃 she was

startled。 Her head came up。 Unsure; she straightened。

〃I'm sorry;〃 she apologized softly。 〃I'm afraid I haven't been much

help。 We haven't even gone over those things we should have。〃

〃No problem。〃 He smiled。 〃We'll do it tomorrow。〃 Taking his cue from the

disquieted look in her eyes; he turned to Ross。 〃Are you staying here




They spoke at the same time。 Chloe hurried on。 〃No; Ross。 You can't stay

here。〃 She was determined。 〃There's one bedroom and one bed; and I need


〃Why don't you stay with me; friend?〃 Lee offered…and for the second

time that evening; Chloe could have disowned him。 She wanted Ross to

leave。 Out of sight was out of mind。 Lee's offer only plicated


Naturally; Ross accepted the invitation。 〃No imposition?〃

〃No imposition。 The sofa in the living room opens into a bed。 The back

door will be open。 Chloe will point you in the right direction。〃 Before

she could protest; Lee reached the door。 〃Good night; folks。〃 He

grinned; letting himself out with a flourish。

With a steadying breath; Chloe settled deeper into her high…backed

chair; tucked her feet under her; forced her fingers to relax against

the broad wicker arms; and looked across the room at Ross。

He spoke softly。 〃You really do look like a princess in that chair。

Those peacock markings could as easily be a crown of gold as a swirl of

wicker。 Are you fortable?〃 His eyes were gleaming; mocking。

〃No;〃 she answered honestly。 〃You know I'm not。〃
