首页 > 游戏竞技 > the hunger games-饥饿游戏(英文版) > 第5部分

第5部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 打造领地太累?我有多重影分身!网游之无双全民求生:从鬼屋开始建立黑暗帝变身女天师,生死看淡,不服就干篮坛暴君经理末世:我靠神级掠夺,打造女神军团开局魔王配置,你却让我当救世主末世女神穿到求生游戏变锦鲤网游:我的背包能进化联盟之表白女神就变强迷雾求生:我有解析之眼大邶枭雄盗墓,家人们我穿越了末世:目标三千女神军获得厉鬼能力后我摆烂了开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生

morning that the boy might have burned the bread on purpose。 Might have dropped the loaves into the flames; knowing it meant being punished; and then delivered them to me。 But I dismissed this。 It must have been an accident。 Why would he have done it? He didnˇt even know me。 Still; just throwing me the bread was an enormous kindness that would have surely resulted in a beating if discovered。 1 couldnˇt explain his actions。

We ate slices of bread for breakfast and headed to school。 It was as if spring had e overnight。 Warm sweet air。 Fluffy clouds。 At school; I passed the boy in the hall; his cheek had swelled up and his eye had blackened。 He was with his friends and didnˇt acknowledge me in any way。 But as I collected Prim and started for home that afternoon; I found him staring at me from across the school yard。 Our eyes met for only a second; then he turned his head away。 I dropped my gaze; embarrassed; and thatˇs when I saw it。 The first dandelion of the year。 A bell went off in my head。 I thought of the hours spent in the woods with my father and I knew how we were going to survive。

To this day; I can never shake the connection between this boy; Peeta Mellark; and the bread that gave me hope; and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed。 And more than once; I have turned in the school hallway and caught his eyes trained on me; only to quickly flit away。 I feel like I owe him something; and I hate owing people。 Maybe if I had thanked him at some point; Iˇd be feeling less conflicted now。 I thought about it a couple of times; but the opportunity never seemed to present itself。 And now it never will。 Because weˇre going to be thrown into an arena to fight to the death。 Exactly how am I supposed to work in a thank…you in there? Somehow it j
