首页 > 游戏竞技 > the hunger games-饥饿游戏(英文版) > 第41部分

第41部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 打造领地太累?我有多重影分身!网游之无双全民求生:从鬼屋开始建立黑暗帝变身女天师,生死看淡,不服就干篮坛暴君经理末世:我靠神级掠夺,打造女神军团开局魔王配置,你却让我当救世主末世女神穿到求生游戏变锦鲤网游:我的背包能进化联盟之表白女神就变强迷雾求生:我有解析之眼大邶枭雄盗墓,家人们我穿越了末世:目标三千女神军获得厉鬼能力后我摆烂了开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生

¨Heˇll be hunting us by now;〃 says Peeta。 ¨Cato isnˇt one to wait for his prey to wander by。〃

¨If heˇs wounded �〃 I begin。

¨It wonˇt matter;〃 Peeta breaks in。 ¨If he can move; heˇs ing。〃

With all the rain; the stream has overrun its banks by several feet on either side。 We stop there to replenish our water。 I check the snares I set days ago and e up empty。 Not surprising with the weather。 Besides; I havenˇt seen many animals or signs of them in this area。

¨If we want food; we better head back up to my old hunting grounds;〃 I say。

¨Your call。 Just tell me what you need me to do;〃 Peeta says。

¨Keep an eye out;〃 I say。 ¨Stay on the rocks as much as possible; no sense in leaving him tracks to follow。 And listen for both of us。〃 Itˇs clear; at this point; that the explosion destroyed the hearing in my left ear for good。

Iˇd walk in the water to cover our tracks pletely; but Iˇm not sure Peetaˇs leg could take the current。 Although the drugs have erased the infection; heˇs still pretty weak。 My forehead hurts along the knife cut; but after three days the bleeding has stopped。 I wear a bandage around my head though; just in case physical exertion should bring it back。

As we head up alongside the stream; we pass the place where I found Peeta camouflaged in the weeds and mud。 One good thing; between the downpour and the flooded banks; all signs of his hiding place have been wiped out。 That means that; if need be; we can e back to our cave。 Otherwise; I wouldnˇt risk it with Cato after us。

The boulders diminish to rocks that eventually turn to pebbles; and then; to my relief; weˇre back on pine needles and the gentle incline of the forest floor。 For the first time; I realize we have a problem。 Navigating the rocky
