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第1部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 全民领主,开局召唤魔化关银屏末日领主之我有三国武将休眠仓基地斗罗V:我重生为蛇,多子多福很合理吧我在国运怪谈游戏当NPC国运领主,特殊兵种是第四天灾网游三国之神豪木筏求生:我得到了一本古书人族禁地末世:我一个亡灵法师加什么智力进入游戏世界终于轮到我玩养成!四合院:谁喊傻柱弄死谁四合院:开局被迫和秦淮茹换房直播算卦,你非尊我为天师!一世容安重生:游戏才刚出,你怎么就乱杀世界RPG之大穿越异世玩魔兽网友全球冰封,我囤积了千亿物资那就让她们献上忠诚吧!我重生在游戏发布前一天

There is a Need

Does school prepare children for the real world? 〃Study hard and get good grades and you will find a high…paying job with great benefits;〃 my parents used to say。 Their goal in life was to provide a college education for my older sister and me; so that we would have the greatest chance for success in life。 When T finally earned my diploma in 1976…graduating with honors; and near the top of my class; in accounting from Florida State University…my parents had realized their goal。 It was the crowning achievement of their lives。 In accordance with the 〃Master Plan;〃 I was hired by a 〃Big 8〃 accounting firm; and I looked forward to a long career and retirement at an early age。

My husband; Michael; followed a similar path。 We both came from hard…working families; of modest means but with strong work ethics。 Michael also graduated with honors; but he did it twice: first as an engineer and then from law school。 He was quickly recruited by a prestigious Washington; D。C。; law firm that specialized in patent law; and his future seemed bright; career path well…defined and early retirement guaranteed。

Although we have been successful in our careers; they have not turned out quite as we expected。 We both have changed positions several times…for all the right reasons…but there are no pension plans vesting on our behalf。 Our retirement funds are growing only through our individual contributions。

Michael and I have a wonderful marriage with three great children。 As I write this; two are in college and one is just beginning high school。 We have spent a fortune making sure our children have received the best education available。

One day in 1996; one of my children came home disillusioned with school。 He was bored and tired of studying
