首页 > 游戏竞技 > 富爸爸穷爸爸 > 第14部分

第14部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 全民领主,开局召唤魔化关银屏末日领主之我有三国武将休眠仓基地斗罗V:我重生为蛇,多子多福很合理吧我在国运怪谈游戏当NPC国运领主,特殊兵种是第四天灾网游三国之神豪木筏求生:我得到了一本古书人族禁地末世:我一个亡灵法师加什么智力进入游戏世界终于轮到我玩养成!四合院:谁喊傻柱弄死谁四合院:开局被迫和秦淮茹换房直播算卦,你非尊我为天师!一世容安重生:游戏才刚出,你怎么就乱杀世界RPG之大穿越异世玩魔兽网友全球冰封,我囤积了千亿物资那就让她们献上忠诚吧!我重生在游戏发布前一天

elling your assets; you are taxed for any gains。

So many people have put themselves in deep financial trouble when they run short of ine。 To raise cash; they sell their assets。 First; their personal assets can generally be sold for only a fraction of the value that is listed in their personal balance sheet。 Or if there is a gain on the sale of the assets; they are taxed on the gain。 So again; the government takes its share of the gain; thus reducing the amount available to help them out

Of debt。 That is why I say someone's net worth is often 〃worth less〃 than they think。

Start minding your own business。 Keep your daytime job; but start buying real assets; not liabilities or personal effects that have no real value once you get them home。 A new car loses nearly 25 percent of the price you pay for it the moment you drive it off the lot。 It is not a true asset even if your banker lets you list it as one。 My 400 new titanium driver was worth S150 the moment I teed off。

For adults; keep your expenses low; reduce your liabilities and diligently build a base of solid assets。 For young people who have not yet left home; it is important for parents to teach them the difference between an asset and a liability。 Get them to start building a solid asset column before they leave home; get married; buy a house; have kids and get stuck in a risky financial position; clinging to a job and buying everything on credit。 I see so many young couples who get married and trap themselves into a lifestyle that will not let them get out of debt for most of their working years。

For most people; just as the last child leaves home; the parents realize they have not adequately prepared for retirement and they begin to scramble to put some money away。 Then; t
