首页 > 游戏竞技 > Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说 > 第28部分

第28部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生网游:我获得了即时杀戮的能力崩坏:游历四方你当我傻?末世你带娃找我复合网游之从梁山开始征战世界仙佛浩劫竹筏求生,升级就变强网游:开局选择独角兽网游之血影舞者顶级奸商:无敌从贩卖军火开始满朝名臣,你让我怎么做昏君?你一个法师,物攻爆炸什么鬼史上最强青训选手一体双魂,我带萌妹成神网游:开服三天后无敌!作为恶魔的我实在是太善良了

''184'' 〃Ask him what?〃 Harry said。

〃His full name。〃

Ted said; 〃I personally feel we should have much more substantive conversations…〃

〃…I'd like the full name;〃 Barnes said。 〃For the report。〃

〃Right;〃 Ted said。 〃Full name; rank; and serial number。〃

〃I would remind you; Dr。 Fielding; that I am in charge here。〃

Harry said; 〃The first thing we have to do is to see if he'll talk at all。 Let's give him the first number grouping。〃

He typed:


There was a pause; then the answer came back:


〃Okay;〃 Harry said。 〃Jerry's listening。〃

He made some notes on his pad and typed another string of numbers:


〃What did you say?〃 Beth said。

〃 'We are friends;' 〃 Harry said。

〃Forget friends。 Ask his damn name;〃 Barnes said。

〃Just a minute。 One thing at a time。〃

Ted said; 〃He may not have a last name; you know。〃

〃You can be damn sure;〃 Barnes said; 〃that his real name isn't Jerry。〃

The response came back:


〃He said; 'Yes。' 〃

〃Yes; what?〃 Barnes said。

〃Just 'yes。' Let's see if we can get him to switch over to English characters。 It'll be easier if he uses letters and not his number codes。〃

〃How're you going to get him to use letters?〃

〃We'll show him they're the same;〃 Harry said。

He typed:

00032125252632 = HELLO。

After a short pause; the screen blinked:

00032125252632 = HELLO。

''185'' 〃He doesn't get it;〃 Ted said。

〃No; doesn't look like it。 Let's try another pairing。〃

He typed:

0004212232 = YES。

The reply came back:

0004212232 = YES。

〃He's definitely not getting it;〃 
