首页 > 游戏竞技 > Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说 > 第48部分

第48部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 打造领地太累?我有多重影分身!网游之无双全民求生:从鬼屋开始建立黑暗帝变身女天师,生死看淡,不服就干篮坛暴君经理末世:我靠神级掠夺,打造女神军团开局魔王配置,你却让我当救世主末世女神穿到求生游戏变锦鲤网游:我的背包能进化联盟之表白女神就变强迷雾求生:我有解析之眼大邶枭雄盗墓,家人们我穿越了末世:目标三千女神军获得厉鬼能力后我摆烂了开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生

Do something; he thought; feeling a surge of panic。

But there was nothing he could do。 He was locked in the upper chamber of D Cyl。 He could not get out。 Beth had control of the entire facility; and she knew how to run the life…support systems。 She had shut off his power; she had shut off his heat; and now she had shut off his air。 He was trapped。

As the pressure fell; the sealed specimen bottles exploded like bombs; shooting fragments of glass across the room。 He ducked under the blankets; feeling the glass rip and tug at the cloth。 Breathing was harder now。 At first he thought it was tension; and then he realized that the air was thinner。 He would lose consciousness soon。

Do something。

He couldn't seem to catch his breath。

Do something。

But all he could think about was breathing。 He needed air; needed oxygen。 Then he thought of the first…aid cabinet。 Wasn't there emergency oxygen in the cabinet? He wasn't sure。 He seemed to remember。 。。。 As he got up; another specimen bottle exploded; and he twisted away from the flying glass。

He was gasping for breath; chest heaving。 He started to see gray spots before his eyes。

He fumbled in the darkness; looking for the cabinet; his hands moving along the wall。 He touched a cylinder。 Oxygen? No; too large…it must be the fire extinguisher。 Where was the cabinet? His hands moved along the wall。 Where?

He felt the metal case; the embossed cover with the raised cross。 He pulled it open; thrust his hands inside。

More spots swam before his eyes。 There wasn't much time。 His fingers touched small bottles; soft bandage packs。 ''324'' There was no air bottle。 Damn! The bottles fell to the floor; and then something large and heavy landed on his foot with a thud。 He bent
