首页 > 游戏竞技 > Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说 > 第54部分

第54部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 开局:推演文明,化虚为实王者:人在花果山,最强打野梦幻西游:王姨被我薅秃了黑海世界:我的求生有商店傻子怪才传奇人生网游:我获得了即时杀戮的能力崩坏:游历四方你当我傻?末世你带娃找我复合网游之从梁山开始征战世界仙佛浩劫竹筏求生,升级就变强网游:开局选择独角兽网游之血影舞者顶级奸商:无敌从贩卖军火开始满朝名臣,你让我怎么做昏君?你一个法师,物攻爆炸什么鬼史上最强青训选手一体双魂,我带萌妹成神网游:开服三天后无敌!作为恶魔的我实在是太善良了

〃Because it's literally a sort of mirror for us;〃 Norman said。

〃Speaking of which; there's another possibility;〃 Harry said。 〃It may not be alien at all。 It may be man…made。〃 That took Norman pletely by surprise。 Harry explained。

〃Consider;〃 Harry said。 〃A ship from our own future went through a black hole; into another universe; or another part ''364'' of our universe。 We cannot imagine what would happen as a result of that。 But suppose there were some major distortion of time。 Suppose that ship; which left with a human crew in the year 2043; actually has been in transit for thousands and thousands of years。 Couldn't the human crew have invented it during that time?〃

〃I don't think that's likely;〃 Beth said。

〃Well; let's consider for a moment; Beth;〃 Harry said gently。 Norman noticed that Harry wasn't arrogant any more。 They were all in this together; Norman thought; and they were working together in a way they never had before。 All the time underwater they had been at odds; but now they functioned smoothly together; coordinated。 A team。

〃There is a real problem about the future;〃 Harry was saying; 〃and we don't admit it。 We assume we can see into the future better than we really can。 Leonardo da Vinci tried to make a helicopter five hundred years ago; and Jules Verne predicted a submarine a hundred years ago。 From instances like that; we tend to believe that the future is predictable in a way that it really isn't。 Because neither Leonardo nor Jules Verne could ever have imagined; say; a puter。 The very concept of a puter implies too much knowledge that was simply inconceivable at the time those men were alive。 It was; if you will; information that came out of nowhere; later on。

〃And we're no wiser; sitting here now。 We cou
