首页 > 游戏竞技 > gossip girl 4 英文 > 第26部分

第26部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 全民庇护所,你在末世当大爹?末日灾变:我打造究极安全屋足球的眼泪山的那边,刻着巅峰IG之名!全球灾变,开局转职巫妖王极寒末日:我的神话避难所全球天灾:打造神话避难所诡异:快跑,他踏马开了!王者:英雄超标?我真拿他上分!反派:冰封末日开局抢夺安全屋全民:死灵法师,站着就是输出LOL:超神之路恶魔猎手说好练武,你一拳爆星什么鬼?nba:我狂暴后卫,暴打库里网游:虫神炮手,主宰星河萌学园:我好像不是路人科技争锋从融合时空记忆开始超时空teacher之城市之光从甲午开始杀敌爆装

Vanessa had already tried sex a couple of times before with her ex…boyfriend Clark; an older

bartender she?d gotten together with briefly in the fall; when Dan (along with the rest of the

predictable male population) had been too busy mooning over Serena van der Woodsen to notice

that Vanessa had fallen in love with him。 Even if Vanessa had just done it for the first time; she

would have been matter…of…fact about it; because that was the way she was about everything。 Dan;

on the other hand; wasn?t matter…of…fact about anything; andhe was the one who?d just been

deflowered。 She couldn?t wait to hear his reaction。

?It was 。 。 。? Dan stared unblinkingly up at the gray; turned…off lightbulb dangling from the center

of the ceiling; feeling immobilized and overstimulated at the same time。 Their hips were touching

under the thin; burgundy…colored sheet; and it felt like an electric current was running between

them; pinging out of Dan?s toes; his knees; his belly button; his elbows; and the ends of his hair。

?Indescribable;? he finally answered; because there really were no words to describe how it had

felt。 Writing a poem about sex would be impossible; unless he resorted to boring; clich?d

metaphors like exploding fireworks or musical crescendos。 Even those were totally inaccurate。

They gave no sense of the actualfeeling ; or how sex was this whole discovery process during

which everything monplace became absolutely amazing。 For instance; Vanessa?s left arm: it

wasn?t a particularly spectacular arm?fleshy and pale; covered in brownish fuzz; and sprinkled

with moles。 While they?d been having sex it had no longer been the same old arm he?d known

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