首页 > 游戏竞技 > 军事制高点 > 第20部分

第20部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 那小子是冠军游戏穿越:我登的管理员账号联盟:我,野区发明家!网游武侠:我以长枪镇压万世!LCK的中国外援开局融合巅峰库里,哥求你了她是领主公路求生之大玩家霍格沃茨:我能看到你的名字华夏魔术师:全NBA都想断我球全班穿越,我有医药系统带赢祖国公路求生:我能听到提示全民领主:从吸血鬼开始无限爆兵亡者系统网游无限属性我能制造副本英雄联盟:我,就是版本全民求生:我那神奇的运气英雄联盟:开局一秒五刀震惊国服魔女,我真不是深海古神!

LILIA SHEVTSOVA: We have been queuing every day to get something ……sugar; matches; salt。 The stakes really were very high。 Economic situation was absolute disaster。 Inflation was about 20 percent a month。 The shelves stood empty。 The prices were skyrocketing。 Everyday life was the search for survival。 Gaidar had to move very fast。

LILIA SHEVTSOVA:我们天天排队去买东西——糖、火柴、盐,风险是非常高的,经济状况非常的糟糕,通货膨胀达到了大约每月20%,货架子都空了,物价飞涨,日常生活就是在为生计奔波。盖达必须尽快行动。

NARRATOR: Gaidar was now in charge of the entire Russian economy。 And he was still only 35。 He assembled a team of youthful free…market reformers; among them his fellow dissenter; 36…year…old Anatoly Chubais。 munist hard…liners nicknamed them the "little boys in pink shorts。"

旁白:盖达现在掌管着整个俄罗斯的经济,他当时年仅35岁,他网罗了一批年轻的自由市场改革家,这其中包括有反对他的同事,36岁的阿那特利。丘拜斯(Anatoly Chubais),共产党的顽固分子们给他们起了个外号叫“穿着粉红色短裤的小男孩”。

Jeffrey Sachs now 36; was called on to advise on economic reform。

杰裴里。萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)当时36岁了,被请来为经济改革出谋划策。

JEFFREY SACHS: I of course had the Poland experience in mind。 Russia turned out to be something quite different。

杰裴里。萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs):我当然记得波兰的经验,但俄罗斯的情况好像有很大的不同。

NARRATOR: The Parliament was dominated by munists and other parties who opposed reform。


JEFFREY SACHS: Gaidar was under remarkable political attack from the first moment。 It wasn't seven days after the start of reform that the head of the Parliament called for the resignation of the government; for example。

杰裴里。萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs):盖达从一开始就承受了巨大的政治攻击,比如,在他开始改革后还不到一周,国会的领导就要求政府辞职。

YEGOR GAIDAR: It is a pseudo market utopia。

尤戈。盖达(Yegor Gaidar):这是一个空洞的市场改良乌托邦。

The only thing I want to ask is understanding the gravity of the situation。


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