首页 > 游戏竞技 > 爱的时光英文版 > 第11部分

第11部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游之我意纵横鬼神游戏龙陨之世中国体育人NBA:啃老的我,队友们都超强地球征服万界幕后神之手我为渔狂最佳搭档:大神,请让我壁咚教练!我不想踢狱超穿越后,我成了灰熊总经理异世小说家,卡池陪跑达达鸭发球上网反派被觉醒意识的主角盯上后假装是个boss超级无敌竞技系统让哥成为传奇我的未婚妻是主播那小子是冠军游戏穿越:我登的管理员账号联盟:我,野区发明家!




Why I Teach

Whitney L。 Grady

I know my students。 Masses of awkward seventh graders swarm the halls of my rural middle school each day; hauling backpacks over one shoulder; talking and shuffling along the tile hallway floor from class to class。 I watch them like a general from my post(my classroom door) and smile at the fact that I can call each one by name。

I know their secrets; their stories。 Dora slouches1 and is shy; and I know it is because she spends all her time at home trying not to get noticed; so she won’t feel the brunt of her stepfather’s angry hand。 Jay can pitch like a tenth grader; and all the girls swoon2 when he and his blond hair strut by; but I know he doesn’t really even like baseball that much (he plays because his dad wants him to) and he is too scared to ask out the girl he likes。 The kids think Keith is just the class clown; but I know of his dreams to bee an astronaut(and I’ve remended him for space camp)。 I know my students because I am their writing teacher。 They trust me with their stories and so I am given the privilege3 of having a secret bond with each and every one of them。

I teach my students about the power of words; and I try to let them find release and expression through writing。 We learn to trust each other in writing class because we learn how hard it is to write openly and honestly; and we learn that sharing your words takes courage。 I see courage every day in my classroom; and I am always amazed at the words that e from my students’ hearts。

One such example of courage took place during author’s chair; a sharing session at the end of our
