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第16部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 发球上网反派被觉醒意识的主角盯上后假装是个boss超级无敌竞技系统让哥成为传奇我的未婚妻是主播那小子是冠军游戏穿越:我登的管理员账号联盟:我,野区发明家!网游武侠:我以长枪镇压万世!LCK的中国外援开局融合巅峰库里,哥求你了她是领主公路求生之大玩家霍格沃茨:我能看到你的名字华夏魔术师:全NBA都想断我球全班穿越,我有医药系统带赢祖国公路求生:我能听到提示全民领主:从吸血鬼开始无限爆兵亡者系统网游无限属性

She was the first to get behind the wheel of the car; the first to

choose the prettiest dress in the boutique; the first to snag the

telephone caller。 I prided myself on being the clever one。〃

〃And this coin toss?〃

Chloe begged forgiveness with her eyes。 〃It was my coin。 I called


Understanding slowly dawned on Ross's face。 His grin was appreciative。

〃And the coin had two heads?〃

〃It did。〃

Whatever he might have thought of her for having cheated; he was

undoubtedly pleased that 〃winning〃 him had meant so much to her。 〃That

deserves a kiss;〃 he said and lowered his head。

Chloe met his lips without hesitation。 She had waited for this all

evening。 They had been building toward it from the second she had agreed

to dress up and go out to dinner with him。 〃Just this once;〃 she had

told him then。 Now the words echoed through her。 Just this once she

would relax in Ross's arms。 Just this once she would taste his love。

Just this once she would be free of the past。

She'd had too much wine。 No doubt about that。 Would she want this if her

head were clear? Maybe yes; maybe no; but it made no difference。 Right

here; right now; she was where she wanted to be。

Ross appeared equally content; if the leisure of his kiss meant

anything。 He tasted her again and again; seeming to find something new

each time。 She sure did。 Once it was the sweetness of wine on his lips;

another time the firmness of his mouth; another the heat。 His kiss was a

heady brew; warm; moist; and intoxicating。

Seeking more; she spread her hands over his chest and discovered a

textured surface beneath the smoothness of his s

永恒的画面 by 志蓝七零娇软真千金怎敌她温柔甜美最强农女之首辅夫人闹学记(完结)抱上鱼尾巴后