首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindle短袖是什么牌子 > 第21部分

第21部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 英雄联盟之少年王者足坛偶像网游之无悔人生NBA之残暴网游之说服天下NBA之篮球之王重临巅峰之冠军之路黑袍剑仙网游之圣隐魔皇洪荒之剑帝网游之奇迹进球至上足球之巨星培养系统王者:励志登顶国一对抗路!身为冷兵器高手会玩网游很合理吧理综挂科后我被迫屠龙了海洋求生:开局竹竿漂流足球:我从小就是天才网游之我意纵横鬼神游戏

her own torment; he touched her cheek with a tenderness that made her

want to weep。 She couldn't pull away。 She was desperate for his love。

If there were germs of reason floating around; they vanished with his

first kiss。 What remained was a hunger that had been days in building。

Chloe gave herself up to it without a thought。

Ross touched her everywhere; caressing her through the thin lavender

gown; and she touched him right back。 But his robe was thick; and she

grew impatient。 The robe was easily opened and his body bared。 She

touched him then; bringing low sounds from his throat; and the feeling

of power was heady。 He began to shake under her stroking。 His penis grew

thick and engorged。

Moments later; her gown fell to the ground with his robe。 His mouth ate

at hers; as he lifted her and carried her to the bed。 The weight of his

body pinned her to the sheets; but there was no pain in it for Chloe。

She weled his force; wanting even more。

〃Yes!〃 she cried; clutching at his hips to pull him closer。

But Ross tensed at the sound of her voice。 He was breathing hard;

pressing his forehead to the pillow by her ear。 She felt him rock hard

and large against her; but he didn't enter。

〃I swore I wouldn't do this;〃 he whispered hoarsely; 〃swore I'd keep my

hands off you。 I've tried。 God knows; I've tried!〃

When he raised himself to look at her; his expression shocked her into

awareness。 〃Don't go!〃 she cried。

〃I have to。 For this one release; I'd be buying a huge packet of pain。〃

〃No!〃 Her fingers tightened on his shoulders until her knuckles turned

white。 She was close to panic。 〃Please; Ross。 I've never 
