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第7部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 英雄联盟之少年王者足坛偶像网游之无悔人生NBA之残暴网游之说服天下NBA之篮球之王重临巅峰之冠军之路黑袍剑仙网游之圣隐魔皇洪荒之剑帝网游之奇迹进球至上足球之巨星培养系统王者:励志登顶国一对抗路!身为冷兵器高手会玩网游很合理吧理综挂科后我被迫屠龙了海洋求生:开局竹竿漂流足球:我从小就是天才网游之我意纵横鬼神游戏

at least once before her death such a short time later。

The long ponytail bobbed against her neck as Chloe jogged on the beach。

Indian summer had e to Rhode Island; bringing bright sun and a heat

that was unusual for mid…October。 She wasn't about to plain; though。

All too soon her daily run would require a sweat suit; hat; and gloves。

Now she delighted in the freedom of shorts and tank top; which allowed

her arms and legs to breathe。 The sweat that dotted her brow trickled

across her temple and down along her hairline。 It glistened on her skin;

adding glow。

It had been two weeks since she had seen Ross Stephenson; two weeks

since his presence had stunned her。 He had a way of doing that; she

mused; as she dodged a piece of driftwood that had washed up on the

beach。 The slap of her sneakers on the wet sand evened out。

Eleven years before; Ross had scored a coup; conquering her mind and

body within hours。 Their encounter two weeks ago had been under vastly

different circumstances; but it was nearly as devastating。

The physical attraction between them hadn't diminished。 If anything; it

was more awesome than before; if her recollection of that kiss in the

Wayward Sailor's kitchen was correct。 He had to have known how he would

affect her; which made his disappearance the next morning all the more


Chloe hadn't known what to expect…whether Ross would wake her or meet

her downstairs for breakfast。 She had assumed that; at the very least;

he would drive her back to her car。 But a maid had awakened her at

seven; putting a pot of fresh coffee and a plate of sweet rolls on the

small stand by h
