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第6部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 后室:新世界在现实与游戏中,寻回尘封的记忆网游:我有一箭可破万物血祭百万丧尸,我在末世当魔修魔兽之光明圣女我的领民美女多我的赛博精神病是任务提示全民末世游戏,我开局无限增幅第四天灾【救赎佣兵团】网游:你管这叫卡牌师?魔兽:狼人传叶凝薄寒年乔若星顾景琰重生:我回到了丧尸爆发的当天寒潮来袭:开局多子多福拿下女主播娇娇毒妃迷人眼,禁欲邪王被撩红了脸瓦:坏了,我成切割怪了!海彤战胤许雨晴沐长风江果果顾寒煜


特质三 写口(6)

The Joys of Writing

By Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill

The fortunate people in the world—the only really fortunate people in the world, in my mind—are those whose work is also their pleasure。 The class is not a large one, not nearly so large as it is often represented to be; and authors are perhaps one of the most important elements in its position。 They enjoy in this respect at least a real harmony of life。 To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one class distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not wonder that others are inclined to envy those happy human beings who find their livelihood in the gay effusions of their fancy, to whom every hour of labor is an hour of enjoyment, to whom repose—however necessary—is a tiresome interlude; and even a holiday is most deprivation。 Whether a man writes well or ill, has much to say or little, if he cares about writing at all, he will appreciate the pleasures of position。 To sit at one?蒺s table on a sunny morning; with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and Squeezer pen—that is true happiness。The plete absorption of th
