首页 > 游戏竞技 > rekindled(英文版) > 第11部分

第11部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 末世:我负责囤女神,系统发低保吞噬星空2起源大陆我吃西红柿网游之长生不死海洋求生,开局忽悠女明星做女友求生:魔法灾变世界王者:御姐边路,全网顶不住了!地球数据化后,我在游戏里生活开局一颗定海珠,给我砸!全民领主:开局一座移动城NBA之格斗天赋加满超巨都慌了游戏神豪,我氪金多亿点怎么了?网游:蓝星online开局SSS级天赋,装备全是史诗海岛求生:真千金她为何总是霸榜进入FPS游戏并且火力无限游戏:靠吸收物品来升级的商人全民求生:我的蛇姐超级强规则怪谈:我天生反骨苟到最后开局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己?网游:我的血量有亿点点多

beach。 〃It's another beautiful day。〃

〃Uh…huh。〃 His voice was muffled。 He had turned back to his cooking。 Chlo

soon he was addressing her again。 〃Sleep well?〃

〃Not bad。〃 Once she had fallen asleep。 〃How about you?〃

He had turned to reach for plates from the cupboard。 〃About the same。〃

It was an odd choice of words; she mused; unless she was so transparent

that he could see her thoughts。 If there was smugness on his face;

though; she couldn't see it。 He was cooking。 All she saw was his back。

There was a full head of thick and vibrant dark hair; a torso whose

firmness was shown off by the snug fit of his sweater; a pair of lean

denim hips and long; sturdy legs; not to mention well…worn leather


She took a deep; steadying breath。 If he had dressed to kill on purpose;

she could resist。 She wasn't buying what he had to offer。 She wasn't。

〃All set?〃 Grinning; he placed two brimming plates on the table。 When

she gaped at hers in dismay; he added a gentle; 〃Don't worry。 Whatever

you can't finish; I will。〃

She pushed away from the window seat with a grimace。 〃You'd better get

started then。 I'm nearly finished。〃 She held up her drained coffee cup。

〃This is all I usually have; with a slice of toast or a muffin。〃 Still;

she took a seat opposite him。 She stared at the plate; decided that the

eggs looked pretty good; and took a bite。

〃Do the people you work with know about your past?〃

Her eyes flew to his; warning; then haunted。 She gave him a wan smile。

〃You make it sound lurid。〃 She pushed home fries around her plate。 〃They

know where I e from…some even know that I had a sister。 Lee knows


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